FIBRE - Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.

We develop high-tech compound materials, fibres, production technologies and we are the right ones to contact in case of quality assurance and material characterisation.

The Fibre Institute in Bremen is a scientific organisation on the campus of Bremen University and since 1969 the institute has been doing research and development of fibres, technical textiles and fibre compound materials in different areas such as 

  • testing,
  • development and
  • processing.

50 employees work at FIBRE, e. g. engineers in material science, production, processing as well as aerospace engineering, physicists, chemists and computer scientists. 

The FIBRE is organised in a network of excellent industrial and scientific partners, based on numerous successful research and development projects steadily growing. To keep up with the expansion, the institute moved into new offices, laboratories and another technical centre in the EcoMaT lightweight centre. 

We offer our direct support to industrial partners for material scientific research and individual developments


The FIBRE in Bremen. © Faserinstitut